Firearms Instructor Course Deals and Dates

Our Next Instructor Course will be held in Pretoria on 22-26 February 2021.

Call 0612709234 for details.

Total Cost: R 7000. Ammunition and Firearms NOT INCLUDED.

See the details on the 1 Year FREE Membership here when you qualify as an instructor on one of our instructor courses.

Need a Sponsor? 

See the next Firearms Instructor course deals and dates here.

You can apply for a partial sponsorship with the International Shooters Network here.

Why does a firearm instructor course have to be so expensive? 

What if you want to start a new career as a firearms instructor, but the course are unaffordable?

We always have a great deal for the next firearm instructor.

Not only are our Firearm Instructor courses in South Africa accredited with the PFTC, but is also internationally recognized through the International Accreditation Organization.

We are suppliers of PFTC accredited training material.