Firearm Applications
IZALATHISO CONSULTANTS is a professional entity who specializes in assisting individuals and companies in compiling a motivation to accompany the firearm license application. The motivations cater for all applications from personal protection, occasional/dedicated sport-shooting and hunting, as well as business applications and private collectors.
All motivations are customized to each individual's unique circumstances and specific needs. Nothing is left to chance.
Although IZALATHISO CONSULTANTS is situated in Pretoria, South Africa, we operate country wide and can assist any person in South Africa via e-mail and telephonic communication.
The founder / owner of IZALATHISO CONSULTANTS is an experienced firearm trainer and author of "Crime and I: Be a tough target!" .
A passion for both firearms and writing therefore created a unique product.
So what makes this product so special?
At IZALATHISO CONSULTANTS, every person is an individual and is treated with dignity and respect. Each individual has the right to apply for a firearm or firearms and each person's circumstances are unique.
At IZALATHISO CONSULTANTS you are not just a number! IZALATHISO CONSULTANTS will provide you, our valuable client with a professional service, guidance and advice during the process of application.
Our service starts with valuable information which you find on this site, additional and personal information via e-mail or telephone.
Professional motivations are compiled on your behalf and designed to suit your specific needs.
Due to this, our services range across the country.
Guidance and advice are also available for the submission process and additional firearm applications.