


High Intensity Tactical TRAINING

Continuous professional tactical training at only R 350 per month !



This is an invitational page and does not appear on the website index. 

H.I.T.T.. members join by invitation only. 

(Word of mouth and reference), due to the specialized content and curriculum. 

General Aim:

To provide members of Community Policing Forums (C.P.F.), armed response units and civilians (TACTICAL HOME DEFENSE and STREET SURVIVAL) with knowledge, skills and techniques to act proactively a well as re-actively against any criminal elements which they may encounter in the course of executing their responsibilities, whether in a working environment or protecting loved ones.



 Valuable Assets In Transit, Close Protection Officer, Armed Response and High Risk area security  members and C.P.F. members encounter suspicious persons, vehicles and life threatening criminal elements on a daily basis. This document will reflect the major aspects of this course, which is a course specifically modified and adapted to fit specific needs of members.

Civilians experience the risk of home invasion and attacks, hi-jacks, attacks, armed robbery and all sorts of violent crimes on a daily basis.

High Intensity Tactical UNIT is designed for one purpose! 

your protection!

H.I.T. is a tactical division of Izalathiso Consultants, and operating under I.C.Guns INDOOR SHOOTING RANGE, specifically designed as a sport shooting club (occasional sport-shooting). We do, however, guide and assist members wishing to obtain dedicated status to join National Hunting and Shooting Association NHSA 

H.I.T. is designed to allow you access to high quality tactical training on a constant basis. 

There is absolutely no long term benefits in a one-weekend tactical course  or self-defense of any kind.

Muscle memory is one of the most important, and often misunderstood factors of human survival. AT H.I.T. we understand the importance of muscle memory and the important role proper training plays in your survival. The moment your body goes into shock, you will most likely experience shock and paralysis. If you are properly trained, you will act accordingly. Your mind automatically falls back on the training you have done. If your training was of poor quality, so will your fight for your life.

At H.I.T. our training is second to none in the world, with a curriculum and course design which is totally unique. (Check out contents below).

If you do not know what you are doing wrong, how will you fix it?

At H.I.T. we know the advantage and benefits of creating muscle memory.

We do not train until we get it right, we train until we cannot do it wrong!

The H.I.T. curriculum is a brain-child of Francois Meyer, C.E.O. of Izalathiso Consultants, security, firearm and tactical consultants to security companies, firearm training centers and corporate clients across South Africa.

This course is derived from 25 years hands-on experience in life-threatening situations. The author and developer of this course, also the CEO of Izalathiso Consultants, have served in high risk units within the South African Police Force for many years and faced many life threatening situations. 

Many specialized units in the private security sector have been trained by the hands of Francois Meyer, this includes specialized 4 week SWAT courses to specialist mining security teams and semi-government institutions. He was also the instructor to a private SWAT team for several years. He trained security officers in several specialist courses, including hand-to-hand combat, arresting / restraining techniques, use of edged and blunt weapons and Close Quarters fighting tactics., High Risk Operations, High Risk Assets in Transit, Close Protection of individuals, High risk Rural and Urban operations, S.W.A.T., Crowd and riot control and many more.

He is also an internationally published author of :"Crime and I" and "S.A. Crime: Be a tough target"

Now we bring 25 years of hands-on, street proven tactics to you!

H.I.T is not para-military or political. It is important that you understand that.

H.I.T. is designed to equip a South African family man, CPF, police, security officer and everyone else to protect themselves and their loved ones in any given environment or scenario.

What is the difference between any other tactical course and H.I.T?

H.I.T. members have the following benefits:

Continuous training in course curriculum.  Remember: We do not train until we get it right, we train until we cannot do it wrong!

Our team:

Our team of instructors are hand-picked and specialist in their own right.

H.I.T. will also provide you with the skills you need to become a highly skilled shooter in the sport-shooting event you regularly participate in, like combat shooting, etc.

 h.i.t. course contents

Ø  Statistics prove that most attacks occur at close range, mostly between 1,5m and 30 cm!

Ø  Statistics also prove that more than 90% of all firearm handlers/ owners are unable successfully draw and fire at least one shot at the attacker before he stabs you, STARTING TO RUN FROM A DISTANCE OF 6 METERS AWAY!

Ø  The legal requirements to own a firearm does not prepare you for this, neither does the minimum specifications on handle and use of firearms.

Ø  Mind-set is everything.

Ø  Training is only second to mind-set.

Ø  Action always beats reaction (as long as you hit with your first shot.)

Ø  Anyone can be a target. Criminals get their guns from the most unlikely sources. (Another reason why law abiding citizens should never be disarmed.)

Ø  It does not matter to us where you are at the start of the class. What matters to us is where you are at the end of the course.

Ø  H.I.T. will take you from whatever level you’re presently at and significantly improve your skills during the time that you spend with us.


During this course, you can expect the following:

Ø  You will experience training that is seldom or nowhere available to the public, security industry or law enforcement.

Ø  Material and exercises on this course are second to none in the world.

Ø  You will develop a natural survival strive.

Ø  You will be familiar with Special Operations teams’ modus operandi.

Ø  After completion, you will be able to negotiate any tactical situation effectively.


Subjects on this course:


1.                   Crime Awareness Victim Empowerment

Case studies show that most life- threatening situations could have been avoided if the basic criminal awareness principles have been applied. We discuss:

                                                                1.             Statistics: the crime picture

                                                                2.             Profiles: Profile of a victim, Profile of a criminal

                                                                3.             How do YOU become a victim?

                                                                4.             Self-defence: (the legal side)

                                                                5.             Proactive Lifestyle: Your home, Hijack! On the street

                                                                6.             Awareness and vigilance

                                                   7.             Human survival mechanism and the side-effects thereof    

                                                   8.             Under attack! Now what?

                                                                9.             Defence vs. Offence


2.                   Elements of a crime:

3.                   Victim-ology: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You!

4.                   Situational awareness:

 5.                   Spotting a Potential Criminal:

6.                   Criminal planning cycle:

7.                   The secrets to counter surveillance:

8.                   Wound ballistics

9.                   Observation

10.                 Hostage Survival

11.                 Planning of operations 

12.                Firearms Handling (Basic handgun tactics) 

13.                Tactical movement 

14.                Approach of suspicious persons / vehicles (practical)

15.                Defensive, Arresting and restraining techniques (practical)        

16                   Fighting Tactics

Firstly, before attempting any form of physical contact or hand-to-hand combat, I strongly encourage you to attend a seminar regarding self-protection (as per previous page).

As mentioned before, protecting yourself starts with keeping your eyes open and your mind alert to possible dangers. The best form of self-defence, is avoiding a situation which might lead to physical protection.

 In today's society, unfortunately, criminals hide behind every corner. No-one can guarantee your safety any more. However, you cannot be expected to stay indoors forever and get a delivery service to collect and drop off your groceries! It is our right to come and go as we please.

A pro-active lifestyle is the first form of self-protection, but sometimes there is just no other way...


 An attack will be very violent, very brutal, and often fatal.

Fighting for your life on the street is not a sport!

There is no second place!

 The problem:

Many of us are just not fit enough or feel that we are not capable of launching a violent counter-attack. Most of us just don't have the time or money to attend self-defence, karate, boxing classes twice a week.


The solution:

What we are looking for is an effective, yet simple form of fighting that is easy to learn and hard to forget. A form of fighting which is as simple as riding a bicycle even years since your last ride...

This form of combat is based on science and once you understand it, you will not forget.

A fighting system that is easy to learn and easy to perform.

Learn how to plan 2 or 3 blows ahead !

You are not punching for points, and when you are tired, someone is not waiting in the corner with a bottle of water at the sound of the GONG !

You need to stop the attack ! Fast !

You need to immobilize you attacker ! Fast !


Learn the following:

Tonfa, defensive sprays techniques:




1.                   Crime Awareness Victim Empowerment

2.                   Elements of a crime:

3.                   Victim-ology: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You!

4.                   Situational awareness:

5.                   Spotting a Potential Criminal:

6.                   Criminal planning cycle:

7.                   The secrets to counter surveillance:

8.                   Wound ballistics

9.                   Observation

10.                Crime Scene preservation and handling

11.                Firearms Handling (Fundamental handgun tactics) (practical)

12.                Tactical movement (practical)

13.                Approach of suspicious persons / vehicles (practical)

14.                Hand-to-Hand Combat

15.                Defensive, Arresting and restraining techniques

16.                Approach of a Suspect Vehicle

17.                Search & Arresting Techniques

18.                Unarmed Combat and Weapon Retention



Contents and duration


Due to the sensitivity of the various aspects treated of this course, the modules cannot be shortened as the necessary basics of Special Weapons and Tactics are being covered.


It is further imperative that all members attend and complete the course to ensure that all members of the unit are able to perform duties safely and effectively at any given time and in any given scenario. Participation in and completion of this course, will enable all members to work together at any time, not only being able to effectively anticipate the criminal elements’ move, but knowing how the other team member will react and function.


Firearms Handling ( Basic handgun tactics) (practical)


Use of firearms during a confrontation is a very stressful event in itself. During such an event, when the body and mind experiences shock, you will experience loss of fine motor coordination.

It is imperative that members are trained on the same basic level in order to build a steady foundation for contingency, especially in handling of firearms. Correct muscle memory is very important during highly stressful situations.

We need to take into consideration that members of this unit has not been exposed to the same training background, therefore, basic firearm handling need to be addressed.


The advantage of the same foundational training is that any member will be able to work with any other member at any given time. Safe handling and use of firearms is very important before tactical training can commence.


During the basic phase, we will focus on the following:


§  Safety measures and safe handling.

§  7 Fundamentals of shooting:

§  Firearm Safety

§  Range Safety Procedures

§  Draw, Cock and Fire

§  Immediate Action Drills


  Firearm A.R.T.S. (Aggressive Reactive Tactical Systems) (practical)


Statistics prove that most attacks occur at close range, mostly between 1,5 m and 30 cm!

Approximately 90% of armed citizens are unable to draw a firearm and fire at least one shot if the attacker attacks you with a knife, storming at you from 6m away!


Aggressive Reactive Tactical Systems (A.R.T.S.) is an initiative by Izalathiso which, together with the C.A.V.E. mind-set, prepares firearm handlers for life threatening situations.

It is important that firearm owners possess the necessary skills and techniques to handle a firearm effectively during life threatening situations. Firearm handlers should be able to at least function on a level of Conscious Competence, however, Unconscious Competence is the ultimate goal.


To achieve Conscious Competence, additional training is required, which will include dry-firing exercises and exposure. This will include: rapid target acquisition, effective magazine change, Immediate Action Drills for malfunctions, possible malfunctions, using and shooting from cover, low light and torch techniques, wounded officer drills, etc.


This part of the course will include:

·         Wounded officer drills

·         Tactical Equipment

·         Weapons System and Functioning

·         Tactical Magazine Changes

·         Transition Drills between firearms

·         Engaging Multiple Targets

·         Tactical Use of Cover

·         Shooting in Low and No Light Conditions

·         Torch techniques

·         Shooting while moving

·         One-handed shooting

·         Weak handed shooting

Gear requirements:

 Serviceable holster

Minimum 1 magazine pouch

Minimum of 3 serviceable magazines (5 is better)

Suitable range wear

Good attitude

Firearms: LM 5 rifle with sling (or similar) 9mm pistol (duty pistol) , 12 gauge shotgun with sling


50 rounds of handgun ammunition every last Thursday of the month. During the other days, we will do tactics and techniques to save you expenses.


The information and practical aspects covered in this document only covers relevant modules and is by no means meant to serve as complete manual and would not have any value to a person not attending the course.


Due to the sensitivity of the various aspects treated in this course, the modules cannot be shortened as the necessary basics of Special Weapons and Tactics are being covered.


It is further imperative that all members attend and complete the course to ensure that all members are able to perform duties safely and effectively at any given time and in any given scenario. Participation in and completion of this course, will enable all members to work together at any time, not only being able to effectively anticipate the criminal elements’ move, but knowing how the other team member will react and function.

Izalathiso Consultants reserves copyright of the all contents of this course, including subject titles, contents and logos.